Foil Control Management |Software

Foil Control Management Software, Foil Control Management , Management Software,

Our services are delivered with years of experience are passionate about developing business.

Foil Control Management Software

FMCS is a software application designed to help businesses manage invoicing, inventory, accounting, and other business needs. The goal is to make a businessman's daily routine less tiring by reducing the amount of paperwork they have to deal with. This will enable them to focus more on growing their business.

Even today, 70% of India's Pharma Foil Printing Companies print bills on paper. Consequently, they spend a significant amount of time on manual entries and calculations. When errors occur, businesses suffer. There is no room for error when it comes to running a successful business. If business owners lack the resources to properly handle issues, they may become overwhelmed and exhausted, which can take away from their ability to focus on more important tasks. Isoftx is committed to providing a more user-friendly solution, therefore FCMS!

Create Purchase Order / Job Cards –

Foil Control Management Software

You may enter the customer's purchase order information into the system. There is no need to worry about tracking information for purchase orders. The FCMS software can help organizations streamline their job card creation process by providing access to information and resources needed to create a job card. This can help improve efficiency and productivity while ensuring accuracy and consistency in the job card creation process.

Foil Control Management Software, Foil Control Management , Management Software,
Foil Control Management Software, Foil Control Management , Management Software,

Work in Process (WIP) –

Foil Control Management Software

The WIP Tracking System provides an easy way to track job progress and ensure timely completion of customer orders. It also aids in communication between management and workers, providing up-to-date information on product status.

Packing List and Stickers –

When the job card is complete, we create a user-friendly packing list screen. Simply select the relevant information from the drop-down menu and fill in the weight and number of rolls. You can print your packing list and sticker at any time.

Foil Control Management Software, Foil Control Management , Management Software,
Foil Control Management Software, Foil Control Management , Management Software,

Billing / Invoicing –

In the billing section, FMCS automatically picks only those job cards against which packing lists have been generated. FMCS gives you an easier solution at the time of billing. In FCMS, you can apply charges like Freight or Cylinder Charges to job cards with the easy dropdown method, and also send invoices to customers via email.

Certificate of Analysis (COA)-

COA creation can be a lengthy and tedious task. Our COA Master solution offers a convenient way to create COAs by simply selecting the Job Card. This software will retrieve all the information for the desired job card, whether it has an invoice or not. The results will be displayed in a user-friendly screen, and a COA can be printed.

Foil Control Management Software, Foil Control Management , Management Software,

Easily track inventory-

Foil Control Management Software

No one wants to lose customers because they can't get information about inventory levels instantly, and no one wants to stockpile needless inventory. Fortunately, you can keep track of your inventory with our Foil Control Management Software. Analyzing sales records can help you plan your next purchase.

Real-time Report –

FMCS reporting section gives you all type of reports that you manage manually.

  • This report provides a complete overview of customer activity, from purchase orders to COA.
  • This report provides complete details of Production, including finished quantity and wastage.
  • Sales Register (This report provides information on customer sales totals within a specified date range.)
  • HSN-wise GST report: (This report provides detailed information on the GST payable for each HSN.)
  • Pending purchase orders can cause delays in production. This report provides details on pending orders.
  • The following job cards are pending and have not yet been packed:
Foil Control Management Software, Foil Control Management , Management Software,
Foil Control Management Software, Foil Control Management , Management Software,

Benefits of Foil Control Management Software

  • Monitor all purchase orders in your inventory with ease.
  • Get accurate, up-to-date information on your purchase orders, job cards, packing lists, billing and COAs.
  • Improving business efficiency and productivity can help your company succeed.
  • The ability to make profitable decisions while investing in inventory is critical for businesses.
  • By investing in our services, you will save on costs, time and effort.
  • Inventory data is critical for businesses in order to make strategic decisions about production, sales, and more.