Factors to consider when choosing an EHS software package -visitor management software

visitor management software

visitor management software and EHS Software

Selecting the best EHS software can be difficult due to the increasing variety of options available in the marketplace currently. This checklist should assist you in choosing the most suitable software for your needs.
The following seven elements are important to consider when selecting the right EHS solution:

Track & manage incidents

It is important to ensure that each incident is recorded, and reported to your EHS software. You can monitor, record and manage incidents, as well as check compliance with relevant laws like permits and licenses from a single location, regardless of the equipment you’re running on or wherever you’re in.

EHS software and Visitor Tracking Software pricing plans

In terms of EHS software prices inquire about the number of services each vendor has available. Some vendors will provide several packages that can be customized to the needs of your business (for instance, in the event that only specific departments require specific functions).

Some companies might opt for an all-inclusive method that charges a flat cost regardless of whether employees utilize specific functions in the system which makes budgeting more straightforward and reduces the choices for customization. This aspect is to be considered in determining which provider has the most efficient EHS software solution for your company.

Keep track of new legislation

You require EHS software that can aid you in monitoring the relevant laws as it can put your firm in legal trouble if you are not careful because of its impact on the business.

For instance, for the oil and gas company considering deep-sea drilling options in Brazil’s coastal waters, where some new discoveries have recently been made legislation could impact the way they explore, particularly in the event that local environmental agencies enforce stricter safety regulations in monitoring equipment requirements.

Maintaining standards and conditions

visitor management system in chandigarh

You’ll need an EHS system to ensure that every aspect of your company adheres to the requirements for safety documentation. This is done by having accessibility to every safety document including permit information, all in one place, regardless of whatever device you’re employing or where you’re in.


Auditing is another important aspect of EHS software, allowing managers to have instant management reports available to identify patterns quickly and take the necessary actions before issues escalate.

Monitoring the results

The implementation of an EHS solution will allow you to track employee performance more efficiently than ever before, which translates into decreased downtime as a result of injuries to employees.

This is not just helpful for your annual reports, but it also gives you real-time data about performance, improving training and empowering decisions.

Setting user access

A great way to gain control over who has consent (or permission) is to have the employees report the details of their OSHA logs.

This decreases the chance of human error and also increases the transparency of a business because it facilitates communication between employees and employers about safety at work, which is not the case when an employer decides on how safe or dangerous the work environment was their own Visitor Tracking Software.

Visitor Tracking Software